Education Assistance Guide


The 2020-2021 WACSS Benefits, Work Climate, Health & Safety Subcommittee has compiled a resource guide on MSU's Educational Assistance Programs. The Educational Assistance Programs are part of the benefits package provided to all regular, full-time, and part-time (entitled to benefits proportional to employment status) MSU support staff employees. They provide financial assistance for the professional development of support staff in their current jobs to further enhance competencies for career development. In addition to job-related/non-credit courses, educational assistance may also be used for college credit classes that are part of a degree program. 

Apply for Educational Assistance (spelled out in text)Applying for Educational Assistance

Login to EBS and navigate to the My Career & Training tile group. Select the tile Educational Assistance System*.

Once in the Educational Assistance Application, click Apply and select either Credit or Non-Credit.

Complete all required fields** and then submit for Supervisor^ and HR approval.

Don't forget to upload receipts and proof of completion!

*Note: To pay for courses offered through HR and OPD, follow the directions below for "Enroll in HR Courses."
**Note: MSU courses are tuition waivers whereas non-MSU courses are tuition or fee reimbursement.
^Your supervisor has 14 days to approve.

How to ENroll in HR Courses (spelled out in text)Enroll in HR Courses

Login to EBS and navigate to the My Career & Training tile group. Select the tile Courses for Employees at MSU.

Select Browse Current Courses and click Organization & Professional Development. Find and select your desired course and either book (if free) or request participation (if cost associated). 

If the selected course has an associated cost, you'll need to enter your department's account number* under payment options and submit for supervisor approval.

*Note: ask your supervisor for the account number before attempting to book.