
Promoting connectivity and engagement, WACSS holds many annual events in person and via zoom. The Annual Spring Forum provides panel discussions with campus leaders addressing connections between our work and administration, DEI, unions, WorkLife, and WACSS. The event attracts attendees from all across the campus. Building on this theme, WACSS hosts the Annual Summer Social in the Gardens. We also launched a book club named Beyond the Book, which grew 120% from Fall 2022 to Spring 2023, to increase networking opportunities, encourage discussion amongst staff and promote professional relationships.


Recent Events

Launch Party & Informational Session February 26, 2024

WACSS is hosting the event to learn more about our 2024 session of "Beyond the Book", a book club geared towards providing opportunities for staff to get to know each other, have meaningful conversations, and just have FUN! This informational session was held via Zoom from 12-12:30pm. At this session we will discuss: 

• The book title
• The frequency of club meetings
• The modality of club meetings
• Schedule/dates of anticipated meetings


Upcoming Events

Annual Spring Forum

Mapping out MSU's Strategic Vision 

Wednesday, March 20, 1-3 PM, via Zoom

Join us for the signature annual Spring Forum and meet with WACSS members and Michigan State Leadership. Keynote speaker, Associate Vice President for Research and Innovation Katherine (Kay) Connelly will speak on how we are building a culture of innovation, and how everyone can be innovative no matter what their role is in her talk titled: Discovery, Creativity and Innovation for Excellence and Global Impact. 

This year, the break-out panel discussions will be organized in the following sessions: Next Level Health & Wellbeing, Breaking New Ground, and Spartan Art Initiative. This event is free and fills fast, so please REGISTER HERE


Summer Social

Wednesday, June 5, 1:00pm – 3:00pm at the MSU Perennial Gardens 

The summer social at the MSU Horticulture Gardens will provide a photo opportunity with Sparty, a strolling light lunch buffet, live music, and bring Spartans in person to network. The event is free, please REGISTER HERE.


Coming Soon

Anti-Racism Series


Missed a Presentation?  Find it here!

All available WACSS-hosted event recordings can be found on MediaSpace.