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Application Information

 Key highlights about WACSS are noted below:

  • Mission Statement:
    • Amplify university staff voices to advance a culture of inclusion and equity and provide effective communications, learning and education, and workforce engagement. 
  • Time Commitment:
    • Approximately 4-6 hours of release time per month to attend scheduled meetings and support initiatives.
      • Your supervisor will be asked to sign off on this committee commitment.
  • How is your voice heard?
    • Engage in monthly WACSS meetings with leaders such as the Vice President/Chief Diversity Officer, Vice President/Chief Human Resources Officer, and Director of the Work Life Office.
    • Represent WACSS on any of the four subcommittees.
    • Provide input throughout the year to committee members and the WACSS Executive committee.

If you are interested in joining the committee, please complete the application
